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ADEPT organized the 4th module of RLSYPL in Cahul and Comrat
The Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT organised the 4th module of the Regional Leadership School for Young Political Leaders (RLSYPL) in Cahul and Comrat on March 24, 2012. In Cahul the presentations had been delivered by Catalina Iucal, trainer PROPLUS, Ana Popa, economic analyst from Analytical Center EXPERT-GRUP and Mihai Cucereanu, expert from CONTACT Center – Cahul
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The 4th module of RLSYPL was organized in Balti
The Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT organised the 4th module of the Regional Leadership School for Young Political Leaders in Balti on February 11, 2012. The agenda included a lot of topical issues presented by invitees Nicolae Moscalu, president of NGO "MOSTENITORII", Adrian Lupusor, economic analyst of Analytical Center "EXPERT-GRUP" and Patricia Zghibarta, trainer PROPLUS
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The evaluation of European integration process of Moldova in 2011
At a roundtable of March 6, 2012, The Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT and the independent think tank EXPERT-GRUP presented the results of monitoring the implementation of commitments assumed by Moldovan authorities in the European integration process in 2011. The monitoring findings as well as the recommendations for speeding up the reforms were published in the 22nd issue of the quarterly report Euromonitor
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Talks on improvement of election laws and procedures in Gagauz ATU
The ADEPT Association and the OSCE Mission to Moldova organised in Comrat a roundtable on improvement of election laws and procedures in the Gagauz autonomous territorial unit, on December 13. The roundtable meeting brought together members of the People’s Assembly, representatives of main local political forces, executive authorities and civil society
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OSCE, ADEPT discuss new election coverage regulations
The OSCE Mission to Moldova and the Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT organised a roundtable on December 6, 2011 with regard to draft regulations on the legal framework governing election coverage and political campaigning in the media during the election period
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ADEPT organises 3rd module of RLSYPL in Balti
The Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT organised the 3rd module of the Regional Leadership School for Young Political Leaders in Balti on November 19, 2011. The agenda included captivating issues presented by invitees Igor Botan, ADEPT executive director, Mihaela Gherasim, PRIME TV reporter, and Gheorghe Caraseni, communication expert
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21st issue of Euromonitor released
The Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT and the independent think tank EXPERT-GRUP released on November 17, 2011 the 21st issue of the quarterly report Euromonitor, which aims at an independent and unbiased monitoring of reforms implemented in accordance with the European Union – Republic of Moldova Action Plan
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3rd module of RLSYPL organised in Cahul
The Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT organised the 3rd module of the Regional Leadership School for Young Political Leaders (RLSYPL) in Cahul on November 12, 2011. Accordingly to agenda, invitees of the meeting were ADEPT executive director Igor Botan, PRIME TV reporter Mihaela Gherasim, and communication expert Gheorghe Caraseni
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Young political leaders and general local elections 2011
The Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT organised the national conference "Local elections 2011: political aspects, legislation, practices" in Chisinau during April 15-16, 2011. The conference brought together graduates from the Leadership School for Young Political Leaders (a project implemented by ADEPT Association) and LSYPL students from the regions Centre, North, South and Administrative-Territorial Unit Gagauzia, 120 young people altogether
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Round Table presenting the Final independent monitoring report on transparency in the decision-making of the central public administration bodies
The report presents the findings of the daily monitoring of web pages of 24 central public administration bodies in the period 01.04.2010-31.12.2010. The monitoring was aimed at revealing the implementation degree by the authorities of the Law no.239-XVI as of 13.11.2008 on transparency in the decision-making process
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Round table for presenting the study "Voting from abroad: international practices and recommendations for the Republic of Moldova"
On July 8, 2010 Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT organized a Round Table where presented the findings of the Study "Voting from abroad: international practices and recommendations for the Republic of Moldova", produced within the project "Promoting compliance with international standards and OSCE commitments for democratic elections", funded by the OSCE Mission to Moldova
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Round table for presenting the study "Recommendation of international institutions regarding the electoral legislation and procedures in the Republic of Moldova"
Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT presented on May 31, 2001 the Analytical study "Recommendation of international institutions regarding the electoral legislation and procedures in the Republic of Moldova", produced within the project "Promoting compliance with international standards and OSCE commitments for democratic elections", funded by the OSCE Mission to Moldova
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Opening of the 9th Leadership School for Young Political Leaders
The Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT opened the 9th Leadership School for Young Political Leaders in Chisinau on November 26, 2009. Taking part in the opening sitting were 40 school participants – representatives of civil society and youth wings of 11 political parties
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Research collection "Governance priorities – 2009" released
The Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT released at a roundtable on Wednesday, September 9, 2009 the book "Governance priorities – 2009", which provides an analysis of the state of things in several areas of major importance for the Republic of Moldova: human rights, rule of law, agriculture, regional development, investment climate, foreign trade, social protection system, etc
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Exhibition of Political Parties Partide.MD
On December 3–4, 2008, the Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT and the Central Electoral Commission organised for the first time an exhibition of political parties Partide.MD within the UNDEF-funded project "Stronger Cooperation between Political Parties, Electoral Bodies and Voters". 14 political parties took part in the exhibition
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Release of "Euromonitor" no. 12
The Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT and the independent think tank EXPERT-GRUP released on November 12, 2008 the 12th issue of the quarterly "Euromonitor", which aims at monitoring independently and fairly the process of implementation the reforms initiated accordingly to the European Union – Moldova Action Plan
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Roundtable: debates on quarterly report Euromonitor #2
ADEPT Association and EXPERT-GRUP Centre organised a roundtable in the conference hall of the Dedeman Grand Chisinau hotel on April 18, 2006 to discuss the quarterly report Euromonitor #2
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Roundtable "Improvement of electoral legislation"
The Association for Participatory Democracy ADEPT and the Central Election Commission organised the Roundtable themed "Improvement of electoral legislation" on March 9, 2006, and discussed draft laws elaborated within the Improvement of Election Code Project
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Republic of Moldova Electoral Legislation on the Eve of Elections
On November 17 ADEPT hosted a roundtable "Republic of Moldova Electoral Legislation on the Eve of Elections" following the release of ADEPT & IFES study "Pre-election Technical Assessment in the Republic of Moldova: findings and recommendations"
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Summer School "Election Campaign"
Throughout July 26 - August 1, 2004 26 young party activists gathered at Molovata-Noua for the Summer School "Election Campaign" hosted by ADEPT. The event was the last one in the series of the III edition of the Leadership School
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ADEPT launched the policy oriented bi-monthly e-journal "Democracy and governing in Moldova" produced with the financial support of the National Endowment for Democracy. It tackles current issues of governance and democratic transition in an analytical way and suggests policy options from the perspective of the internal dynamics of the transition processes in Moldova and as seen in regional context. You may subscribe to the journal by accessing http://www.e-democracy.md/en/e-journal/subscribe/ or via e-mail.
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ADEPT has published the book "Transition: retrospectives and perspectives" that includes a series of descriptive-analytical studies on issues of major importance for the Republic of Moldova taking combining the retrospective, current, and prospective approaches.
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e-democracy.md site won the first prize in the WebTop 2002. The contest is organized by the Soros Foundation and is aimed at boosting Internet in Moldova. ADEPT website competed under the Civil Society category.
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As part of the Leadership Training for Young Activists of Political Parties project, funded by Westminster Foundation for Democracy, ADEPT produced the brochure "Parties. Elections. Compromise". The brochure is a collection of topics and case studies examined during the Summer School "Art of Compromise" organized for young party activists representing 10 political parties of the Republic of Moldova.
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On September 24-25 ADEPT in cooperation with the US Embassy to the Republic of Moldova hosted an international conference "Electoral Process and Civic Participation"
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On July 29 - August 4, 2002 ADEPT hosted a Summer School, entitled "Art of Compromise" for young party activists. The Summer School was made possible via the support of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy. The School gathered 36 young activists from 7 political parties in the Vadul-lui-Voda resort.
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Since February 2002 ADEPT hosted 14 sessions of the Leadership School supported by the Westminster Foundation for Democracy
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Partnership Step by Step
In June 2002 ADEPT together with the Agenda 21 Program of UNDP held training seminars entitled Partnership Step by Step in Soroca, Orhei, Ungheni and Lapusna
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In January ADEPT contacted all 31 political parties inviting them to delegate representatives of their youth branches to the Leadership School (project funded by Westminster Foundation for Democracy, UK)
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On 15-16 November in Chisinau was organized the 3rd Edition of the National Forum and the 2nd Edition of the NGO Fair. A total of 200 persons took part in the event, i.e. more than 120 Moldovan NGOs, local and central government, NGOs from abroad, journalists and others. | »»» |
Electoral School
The Association for the Participatory Democracy ADEPT, is running the Electoral School, a training program for the youth branches of 7 political parties of the Republic of Moldova and students in political science. | »»» |
In May-November period of 2001 the Chisinau municipality's "Antena C" radio station has broadcast the "Vocea Civica" (Civic Voice) cycle of 24 radio shows dedicated to the problem of interethnic relations. ADEPT produced these radio shows in both Romanian and Russian languages. | »»» |
In February 2001 ADEPT and The Romanian Association for Community Development launched a community development project funded by Charity Know How. During the project, 6 community groups from Moldova and Romania will be identified and their capacity will be strengthened. | »»» |
