The Constitution of the Republic of Moldova

Adopted on July, 29, 1994
Monitorul Oficial al R.Moldova No 1 of 18.08.1994
WE, the plenipotentiary representatives of the people of the Republic of Moldova, members of Parliament,
STARTING from the age-old aspirations of our people to live in a sovereign country, and fulfilling those aspirations in proclaiming the independence of the Republic of Moldova,
CONSIDERING that while growing into a nation the Moldovan people has given strong evidence of historical and ethnic continuity in its statehood,
STRIVING to satisfy the interests of those of its citizens that, while being of a different ethnic origin, are, together with the Moldovans, forming the Moldovan people,
JUDGING the rule of law, the civic peace, democracy, human dignity, the rights and freedoms of man, the free development of human personality, justice and political pluralism to be supreme political values,
BEING AWARE of our responsibility and duties towards the past, present and future generations,
REASSERTING OUT devotion to overall human values, and our wish to live in peace and harmony with all the peoples of this world, in accordance with the unanimously acknowledged principles and norms of international law, we herewith adopt for our country this Constitution, and proclaim it to be the SUPREME LAW OF OUR SOCIETY AND STATE.
Title I: General Principles
Title II: Fundamental Rights, Freedoms and Duties
Title III: Public Authorities
Title IV: National Economy and Public Finance
Title V: Constitutional Court
Title VI: Revising the Constitution
Title VII: Final and Transitory Provisions