Law of the Republic of Moldova on Public Associations

No 837 of 17.05.96
Monitorul Oficial al R.Moldova No 6/54 of 23.01.1997
Chapter IV Property of Public Associations and Governing of Property
Article 29. Property of public associations.
(1) Property of a public association is protected by Law.
(2) A public association can have as its property any assets (buildings, structures, dwellings, transport, equipment, sports and health property) necessary for material provision of activity, specified by the Charter of the public association excluding structures, which according to the legislation in force or in accordance with the international agreement can be only the property of the state.
(3) A public association can have as its property enterprises, publishing houses,
organizations, institutions, charitable institutions founded and acquired at the expense of means of public associations according to its goals specified in the Charter.
(4) The enterprise of the public association has the right of full economic activity on property assigned to it. Relations of the owner (public association) and an enterprise of the public association are based on the agreement signed between them.
(5) The institution of the public association has the right of prompt governing of the property assigned to it.
Article 30. Sources for formation of the property of the public association.
Property of a public association are formed from:
- entrance and membership fees;
- voluntary donations;
- receipts from delivering lectures, exhibitions, lotteries, auctions, sports and other activities;
- income from productive-economic, publishing and other entrepreneur activity;
- income from civil-legal operations;
- income from foreign trade operations;
- income from sponsors and benefactors ( tax free ) in accordance with the Law on philanthropy and sponsorship;
- other revenues which are not prohibited by the legislation.
Article 31. Subjects of the right on property of public movement.
The owner of property coming to a public movement, as well as formed by it from its own means is a permanently functioning collective organ, having the right of a legal person.
Article 32. Subjects of the rights of property of the public organization.
(1) The owner of property is a public organization which has the right of a legal person. Natural persons, separate members of the public organization do not have property right on part of property and monetary funds belonging to public organization.
(2) The owner of property of the multi-sectional public organization is this organization as a whole. Structural subdivisions (local departments) of the multi-sectional public organization have a right of prompt governing of the property which is assigned to it by the owner.
(3) In a multi-sectional public organization which unites territorial organizations as independent subjects into a union (association), the owner of the property belonging to a public organization as a whole is a union (association). Territorial organizations, which are included into union (association) as independent subjects are the owners of the property belonging to them.
Article 33. Subjects of the right of property of public institution.
(1) A public institution receives property in the form of prompt governing from the founder - public association. As for the mentioned property, public institution exercises a right of possession, right to use and manage within the limits specified by the legislation in force in correspondence with the goals, determined by the Charter.
(2) A public association (founder) - owner of the property and monetary funds given to public institution has the right to withdraw property which is not used as it was prescribed and can use it in its own way.
(3) A public institution does not have a right to alienate or to manage property
which is assigned to it and acquired from funds given to it from budget without written permission of the owner - public association.
(4) If according to constituent documents public institution is given a right to
exercise activity of bringing a profit, then profit received from the mentioned activity and acquired from the income of property becomes a property of the public institution and inventory is made on separate balance.
(5) A public institution is responsible for its liabilities by property and monetary funds which are at its disposal. If they are not sufficient, then subsidiary responsibility performs the owner of this property and monetary funds - public association.
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