Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -
 ElectionsChisinau2005Gheorghe Susarenco

Electoral program of the candidate for General Mayor of Chisinau Gheorghe Susarenco

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1. Thousands of pungled pits in streets. Solution to the problem? No. Its worsening.

Cars of known trademarks for European streets are being destroyed because of unbearable pits. Streets of the capital are plunged with thousands of asphalt pieces, which break at the first rainfall, first frost.

Car owners pay more than 100 million lei a year, but this money is spent for perfunctory works. The technical condition of pluvial sewerage systems and collectors is lamentable; they are not cleaned, so that rains flood the streets.

1. We are too poor to afford cheap repairs.

I know where the money for street repairing is. The road repairing funds must be increased

three-fold. I propose the renovation and development of road, street and pluvial sewerage infrastructure through investments and stimulation of competition among repairing services. The needed investments estimated at about 150 million dollars would particularly come from projects financed through grants and international financial institutions, so that to undertake works at the highest quality level.

Of course, the traffic fund must be used for the necessary purpose.

2. We do not have work. Shortages, misery and poverty. How long?

Every second family in Chisinau lives below poverty limit, while 80 percent of population earns less than needed for the minimum living. Every third resident of Chisinau is jobless and almost 60 percent of residents are ready to leave for abroad forever or to look for a job there. Every forth family in Chisinau owns no home.

2. There are chances for everybody in Chisinau. We reach our aim at home!

Creation of 5,000 new jobs a year, insurance of population’s access to housing, assistance of young families, better quality of housing fund. These objectives I want to fulfill through business encouragement and creation of fair and transparent conditions for any local or foreign investor and entrepreneur. Development of the mortgage housing building system would open the access of everybody to this solution to the dwelling problem.

3. Foul smells, misery, unorganised trade, crowds and much disorder. Sweepers doing their job at rush hours!

Us, about one million residents of Chisinau, as well as those who arrive in the capital, we are facing this very sad reality every day. Once we arrive near the central market and bus station, we have one wish: to leave these places as soon as possible. The municipality administration knows this problem well.

In addition, when the blossomed linden trees spread a wonderful smell in the Chisinau downtown, the closer you come to the Ciocana district, the worse the emanations of cleaning station affect your smell. This situation is unchanged regardless of the season, air humidity or wind. A problem discussed in the Chisinau City Hall, but unsolved: because of the lack of wish or incapacity?

3. Garbage is not a problem, if the administration wants to solve it.

The cleaning service of the municipality would be decentralised, while businesses would be encouraged to deal with this sector, as well as with a further waste recycling. A more transparent management and reporting of every case of bribery taking for unauthorised trade may make order, cleanliness, and create civilised conditions in markets of municipality. The responsibility of preventive medicine services may make us confident in quality of products we buy.

Elaboration of a project on renovation of cleaning station and its urgent implementation would ensure a cleaner atmosphere in our city.

4. Bureaucracy in City Hall

Anybody who had to solve a problem with the municipal administration faced the irresponsibility and corruption of more than 1,000 workers. Being an amorphous, rigid and non-transparent structure, the activity of the Chisinau City Hall and its subdivisions is inefficient and seriously harms the municipal budget. This situation is to blame for loss of public patrimony and appropriation of some groups protected by state dignitaries. Bribing functionaries has become a norm!

4. Transparency and opening

The city hall services can become accessible and efficient through implementation of information technologies which would serve online the residents of Chisinau. The population would participate in administration of the capital through publication of an official newsletter comprising all the decisions of the Chisinau Municipal Council and other important documents, as well as through public debates on problems of major importance. The creation of a hotline would be welcome, so that to enable everybody to denounce illegalities faced at city hall and to suggest his ideas aimed to improve the functioning of the municipal administration.

5. Our children. What does the municipal education system offer them?

Overcrowded schools, gymnasium and lycee classes with over 40 students. Furniture which unfits the age and medical norms.

Appropriation of money from parents through creation of some funds which are not often legal. Astronomic prices paid for examinations, including for the baccalaureate tests. Lowly paid teachers who have to beg money from parents. Parents and grandparents from the Chisinau municipality, each of us knows this situation. I have a solution!

5. The future is in our hands

There are no strange children, all of them are ours, they will succeed us tomorrow and the fate of our country and city depends on their good training and education. Higher salaries for teachers, creation of a municipal education co-financing fund, awarding of merit scholarships and grants for education are key tasks that I would raise to the local public administration and I would directly contribute to their accomplishment. The parents’ committees must play a key role in making decisions on school development.

6. Do you like to travel in Chisinau?!

The streets in the Chisinau downtown do not satisfy you much, no matter what transport you choose to travel. Crowds, disorder, savage traffic, parking sites and lots like inexistent ones. Traffic agents in not the best places who aim to obtain money from minibus drivers or motorists without any relations, rather than to watch the traffic. Trolleys and buses which are old like centuries, while the private transport provides not the best services. The streets have become narrow for the permanently growing inflow of vehicles.

6. Modern urban transport and civilised traffic

An urgent building of a surrounding belt and a wider network of underground passages for pedestrians, underground and over ground parking sites would relieve the traffic in Chisinau. The traffic would be based on a special regime on holidays, following the example of many European cities. Development of power transport and attraction of private capital for insurance of public transport and improvement of its quality require a special importance. The avenue Stefan cel Mare would turn into a boulevard for traffic of cars and big passenger transports.

7. Hot water — a luxury which not everybody can afford, limited heating, exaggerate tariffs

The bankrupt and insolvent heating and water system heats the soil, pollutes the environment, pauperizes the population, and enriches the mafia clans. The heating losses account for about 25 percent, water for 40 percent, while the quality of services unfits any standards. The Chisinau municipality still has quarters unconnected to the sewerage system. The populist and corrupt policy deeply rooted among local authorities made services providers go bankrupt.

7. Heating for everybody, qualitative and accessible services

Investment of 180–200 million dollars in the municipal energy system, grants and bank credits would recover the municipal energy system through decentralisation of thermal heating supply, reconstruction of internal hot water and heating providing networks, optimisation of heating and hot water production and supply for reasonable prices. Thermal stations for blocks or quarters represent the modern and efficient heating providing method. Renovation of municipal water pipes through investments and their stimulation would improve the quality of services and drinking water.