Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -
 ElectionsParliamentary2001Electoral ContestantsPRCM

Election platform of the Party for Rebirth and Concilliation of the Republic of Moldova

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I. General

1.1. The Party for Rebirth and Concilliation of the Republic of Moldova, pursuing principles as established in its programme, promotes through concepts and concrete actions values of democracy and state with the rule of law, of economic and social liberties, treating them as an instrument to achieve real modernisation of the Moldovan society and as a feasible process to be fulfilled together with citizens of this country and for their sake.

1.2. The Party for Rebirth and Concilliation of the Republic of Moldova strives for a democratic state with the rule of Law which will ensure security of human rights and liberties: civil, political, economic and social; plurality, constructive dialogue, competition of ideas and deeds. By promoting the principle of every citizen’s equality in front of Law, the party pleads for the establishment of an independent and impartial justice, able to ensure transparency of activities displayed by public bodies and civil servants. PRCM supports the local public administration reform and de-centralisation of the executive power and think it a concrete measure to ensure the way out from the crisis, faced by the local financing system at present.

1.3. The Party for Rebirth and Concilliation of the Republic of Moldova supports the market economy policy. Starting from the belief that the private sector is the primordial condition for re-launching the economic growth, the party intends to encourage, via economic instruments, the creation of a loyal competitive environment for all types of property and also to ensure and guarantee the ownership rights for all economic entities, including the foreign investors.

1.4. Bearing in mind the limited public financial resources, the Party for Rebirth and Concilliation of the Republic of Moldova, pleads for the installation of an efficient mechanism of social security, preferentially oriented towards social assistance of families, children, the elderly, handicapped persons and vulnerable layers of society. Based on the development of the medium layer of the society, the party will stimulate mobilisation of financial resources generated by this layer of society for investments both in the productive and non-productive sectors. This is perceived as a concrete action aimed to ensure a higher rate of job creation and the generation of additional resources for the Social Fund. Social policy of the PRCM sets its goal the stability and social cohesion, based on a reduction of causes leading to social tension, to conflicts and violence.

II. Establishment of a democratic state with the rule of law

The Party for Rebirth and Concilliation of the Republic of Moldova pleads for the following:

2.1. In order to ensure observance and implementation of civil, political, economic and social human rights PRCM shall undertake the following: propose adoption of legal acts, including amendments of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova; re-establish free access of citizens to justice; establish the principle of people’s equity before the Law, irrespective on their sex, ethnical belonging, language, religion, political views and social status; protect citizen’s rights to property.

2.2. PRCM pleads for a real separation of powers in the state: legal, executive and judicial. Concrete actions will be undertaken to specify and concentrate competencies of legal and control bodies with the purpose to install public order and combat criminality in the economic and public sector.

2.3. PRCM will promote establishment of an efficient public order, able to ensure sustainable economic and social development based on the following components:

2.4. PRCM policy in justice and public order areas sets as common objective corruption and organised crime prevention and combat and pleads for the following stringent actions:

2.5. PRCM will support the National Army as a state institution designed to protect independence and territorial integrity of the country and an institution assigned to educate the young generation in the patriotism and brave spirit. The party pleads for a professional army, well supplied with technical devices and human resources, for what purpose legal and regulatory acts will be passed to ensure living and working conditions for all officers, sergeants and soldiers, for their social protection. The party considers adequate the participation of the Republic of Moldova to the implementation of the “Partnership for Peace” programme and thinks it a direct contribution to the reform of the National Army and the security of our state.

2.6. PRCM will ensure the territorial integrity and the unitary character of the Republic of Moldova, granting a large autonomy to the Eastern part of the country and to the Territorial Administrative Unit “Gagauz — Yeri”.

III. Economic policy

The major objective of the PRCM economic policy is a sustainable development based on market economy principles: liberalisation, privatisation, competition, stability and institutionalisation.

3.1. PRCM will protect the main principle — private property is the foundation of economic growth in the society. In order to do this the party will plead for consolidation of property within privatised enterprises to better meet the interests of shareholders. Next, it will ensure, via adoption of legal acts, a transparency and a more efficient supervision of investment funds and of other professional participants to the securities market.

In order to establish the economic equity PRCM assumes the following commitments:

3.2. PRCM proposes new solutions to achieve acceleration of the privatisation programme of enterprises with low economic return and of loss-generating enterprises, one of them being transfer of ownership for a symbolic price provided the following will be fulfilled:

  1. Creation of new jobs;
  2. Social security to employees. In order to stimulate working collective to achieve better economic results, instruments like enterprise debt repayment technique and salary payment against results obtained by a certain enterprise will be introduced.

Fulfilment of such objectives should ensure the following effects:

3.4. PRCM will support the budget flexibility principle, which via such specific instruments like taxes, duties, subventions and public expenditures will ensure the stimulation of the economic growth. The party will oppose such governmental initiatives as monetary inflationary financing of the budget deficit. The growth of budget revenues will be ensured by economic revitalisation and efficient fiscal administration measures.

3.5. PRCM pleads for a credit policy favourable for the economic growth.

PRCM proposes a decrease of interest rates to state obligations and of interest rates to bank credits offered to the economic sector. This could be achieved through the development and implementation, together with the commercial banks, of a number of measures reducing the risk of credit non-payment and through rationalisation of administration expenditures.

3.6. PRCM launches the year 2001 slogan as “Year of revitalisation and consolidation of small business”.

The Party’s national programme of the small business support and development foresees the following:

3.7. PRCM proposes a fiscal system favourable to rational persons, to those who produce goods and wealth both national and private, including, however, concrete elements safeguarding social security of the vulnerable people.

We propose concrete reduction of revenue taxes; We shall annul the shameful taxation of peasants’ real estate; Along with the economic growth, PRCM will request the promotion of a policy ensuring social protection of vulnerable layers of society also through reduction of indirect taxation of consumer goods.

3.8. PRCM will plead to create in villages a sound, dynamic and competent private sector, supported by a social effective policy.

The Party programme for the development of rural settlements proposes the following:

IV. Social policy

PRCM considers the social policy as an obligatory mission. The new concept of the reform of the social support system has been worked out taking into consideration the limited state resources and pursues the following goals:

4.1. PRCM declares its strive for a stable social security system based on concrete principles and organisation measures and will ensure support and overall financing of all compartments of such a programme:

The Party envisages the following in its newly proposed social security programme:

  1. Introduction of a pension system consisting out of two compartments:
    1. basic pension system — which foresees obligatory social assistance guaranteed by the State, created based on obligatory contributions made by employees and their employers. Management of these resources will be done based on personal accounts.
    2. supplementary pensions created from insurance social contributions paid by a person to non governmental pension institutions or to the insurance companies. The state will assume the duty to supervise such institutions in order to avoid frauds.
  2. Renovation of the social assistance system through improvement of the Law in force achieving that the Law envisages the following:
    1. Consolidation of all compensations and benefits into a single compensation. Targeting of this compensation exclusively to social layers of society with a low living standard;
    2. Adoption by the Parliament of the Law on the war veterans and their families and other vulnerable categories. Re-establishment of social compensations annulled by the communists.

4.2. The PRCM unemployment prevention programme envisages a new approach towards the use of public financial resources. It proposes creation of retraining and re-qualification courses for the unemployed rather than payment of the insignificant unemployment compensations.

4.3. The PRCM strategy in the public health protection area follows the goal to develop and implement a society awareness programme aimed to educate the need for each person to protect and consolidate his own health via adoption of a healthy way of life. Next, it follows the goal to ensure a balanced ecological bio-system and access to a qualitative medical care system for all population categories.

PRCM pursues the following main objectives in this area:

The health protection system proposed by the party presupposes two directions for its organisation:

  1. Introduction of a mechanism ensuring maintenance of free of charge medical care for the vulnerable layers of the society and prevention and treatment of social-medical diseases.
  2. Gradual implementation of medical insurance with the involvement of medical insurance institutions.

4.4. Education system is perceived by PRCM as a priority, which will ensure national, moral and social revitalisation of the Republic of Moldova.

The following are the main objectives in this area:

  1. PRCM proposes new management and financial mechanisms, which will ensure access for each child to the education supported with resources from the state and local budgets and also with resources allocated by the employers, entrepreneurs, financial and social security institutions within special legal acts passed by the Parliament.
  2. PRCM will support state and private education that meets the requirements of coming generations, organised according democratic and moral principles.
  3. While guaranteeing free of charge secondary education, PRCM proposes that the state introduce the implementation of a financial and stimulating mechanism supporting higher education for those young people who possess knowledge as requested by the norms set by the state and those who have exclusive performances, as well as for students coming from families with low level of revenues; the student stipend will cover the expenditures necessary for studies and life.
  4. Salaries for teachers shall be similar to the ones paid in the advanced sectors of the economy and pensions for them will constitute 75% of the revenues obtained by a person during his best achievements in education sector.
  5. Orthodox religion will be introduced in the school curricula as a separate course.

4.5. PRCM will ensure that the fundamental sciences be further maintained and developed based on a state programme and it will encourage use of research outcomes in the national economy.

4.6. PRCM will plead for a democratisation of young people’s organisations and will promote concrete measures to ensure real improvement of learning conditions and social and economic integration of young people in the society.

4.7. PRCM assumes to undertake concrete measures following the aim to ensure “de facto” equality of women within society:

4.8. In respect to Cultural Policy, PRCM will strive to change from the present focus to insignificant subvention of this sector with resources from the public budget towards encouragement of investments into the cultural sector. Only national level institutions, that promote national traditions and genuine art, characterised by a high professional level, will be financed with resources from the public budget. Actions will be undertaken to achieve de-centralisation and privatisation of the cultural institutions, which through their actions are able to generate profit and can subsequently re-invest into the benefit of cultural sector (by presentation of shows, cultural tourism, printing activities, etc.). PRCM will propose legal acts aimed to ensure protection of the national cultural patrimony.

V. Foreign policy

The strategic objectives proposed by PRCM in the foreign policy area will pursue the following: