Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -
 ElectionsParliamentary2005Electoral ContestantsAndrei Ivantoc

Electoral program of independent candidate Andrei Ivantoc

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Settlement of the Transndiestrian conflict, so that:
  1. To protect the rights and access to education of all children in Transnistria;
  2. To revise the situation of refugees in Transnistria, in line with human rights and state’s obligations;
  3. To resolve the problems of combatants who lost their work capacity, home and health while fighting for Moldova’s integrity;
  4. To implement programmes for orphan children and children orphaned of supporters after the 1992 war;
  5. To resolve problems related to the limited access of population from both banks of the Dniester river to information (Romanian-language newspapers, radio and television);
  6. To protect fundamental human rights of all the citizens on the left and right banks of the Dniester river, regardless their social statute;
  7. To justify the political prisoners by protecting their rights and freedoms to opinion, as well as fundamental rights of life;
  8. To promote the values of a reparatory system which would exclude all the forms of separatism and totalitarianism.