Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -

Analize şi comentarii socioeconomice published in 2011

Crisis succession and Moldovan banks
Iurie Gotisan, October 31, 2011
According to Romanian economist Daniel Daianu and his European fellows, the excess of all kinds of financial innovations in European financial-banking systems and others is particularly to blame for the current crisis[]

Finances and banking

Performance of banking system and non-performing loans
Iurie Gotisan, September 30, 2011
The banking system is definitely regarded as the most stable of all sectors of domestic economy, a fact which is often underlined by financial assessment agencies, international funders and foreign investors[]

Unemployment — between reality and statistics
Iurie Gotisan, August 31, 2011
Generally, an economic growth impelled by investments in almost all productive sectors attracts new jobs, which means increases the employment rate, according to economic theory[]

Social economy

Debt crisis, export evolution and exchange rate — reflections on Moldova
Iurie Gotisan, July 15, 2011
Paradoxically or not, Moldova's economy is on the rise, the least accordingly to statistics, despite the situation in the region and not only. Or, the economic growth in the 1st quarter of 2011 exceeded 8 percent, a unique level in this area[]

Negotiations with IMF and Moldova’s external debt
Iurie Gotisan, May 31, 2011
A working mission from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) visited Moldova in May. The results of the government’s negotiations with the IMF mission may be generally described as useful, and most of recommendations by IMF experts are relevant[]

Energy resources get more expensive — a global phenomenon
Iurie Gotisan, April 15, 2011
Lately I witnessed several waves of fuel price increases. First, the immediate impact of higher prices will obviously be on the pockets of drivers. Secondly, the potential increases could be followed in the coming months by the effects that will be felt in all the activities where the cost of transportation has large shares in total costs[]

Strategies and economic developmentSocial economy

Reflections on the budget for 2011
Iurie Gotisan, March 15, 2011
We can already see that the approval of the state budget for 2011, even at this stage, i.e. by the government, is a welcome gesture as such. Being primarily a political document and than a economic one, the budget projection understandably provoked disputes not only between government and the opposition, but also between parties in AIE[]

MacroeconomyPublic economyFinances and banking