Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -

Political analyses and commentaries on “Agro-economy” topic

Farmers will have to look for other niches to export phytosanitary products
Iurie Gotisan, June 30, 2006
Chisinau and Moscow have failed a compromise at the recent negotiations on relief of exports of agricultural production to the Russian Federation. Although official statistics do not reveal the exact losses of Moldovan farmers, their consequences are negative however[]
Vegetables and fruits might temper swelling inflation
Iurie Gotisan, June 5, 2005
In the summer the price on many food products goes down, thus slowing down inflation[]
Recent State Initiative on Land Consolidation
Felicia Izman, September 12, 2004
Since its coming to power in February 2001 the new Moldovan communist leadership has often expressed its nostalgia for the old times of collective-type agriculture and criticized the National Land Program (NLP) that dismantled this system by creating a private-based agriculture sector with hundreds of thousands of new individual land owners and thus a highly fragmented one[]
Echo of the bread crisis
Anatoli Gudim, July 11, 2004
Many people still remember the troubles of the wheat and bread crisis of 2003: bad wheat harvest, protracted reaction of the Government, “bread mafia”, abrupt increase (39.8% a year) of prices for bread, emergency actions of the Parliament, Government and economic units to import wheat. One as well could think the situation is under the control now[]
Moldovan’s agriculture structural deficiencies
Iurie Gotisan, April 20, 2004
What is striking is that in such agricultural country as Moldova is, agriculture lags far behind its neighbours both in terms of development and technical equipment. Overall economic efficiency of Moldovan agriculture is very low, out of the total agricultural enterprises only 35% are lucrative[]
New investments are needed
Galina Selari, August 17, 2003
The maintenance of sustainable economic growth is declared as a priority by the government. At the same time, it would be rather early to assert that factors of sustainable development are already available in the country[]
Shadow Economy as a Driving Force
Ion Olan, August 3, 2003
Recently, the Department of Statistics and Sociology has announced that the share of shadow economy (SE) in Moldova is 31.6% to GDP, according to the “Measuring Unseen Economy” methodology recommended by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, Paris)[]
Export Promotion: on Paper
Anatoli Gudim, July 20, 2003
Under the IMF trade restrictions classifications scheme, Moldova’s regime is rated “1” — the most liberal category. This is what is called “trade on paper”[]
Moldova’s Agriculture: Crisis or Rehabilitation?
Alexandru Muravschi, May 18, 2003
Moldova’s agriculture has demonstrated certain success during the last two years. After a decade of decline one can observe for the first time growth in agricultural production. It is also important that in 2002 there was growth in the livestock products[]