Alegerile parlamentare din 2021 în Republica Moldova -

Political analyses and commentaries on “Government — opposition relations” topic

Phoenix Bird and Watermelon
Igor Botan, October 17, 2011
The activity of AIE in the last half year proved that this political structure is incapable to promote the promised reforms and overcome the institutional crisis faced by Moldova for more than two years[]
Who is afraid of early elections?
Igor Botan, September 6, 2011
Statements of the prime-minister that “the things go wrong” and that there is a threat of “mafiotization” of the Republic of Moldova revealed that the early parliamentary elections would not be a catastrophe to the Republic of Moldova, but a catastrophe to AIE[]
Sad end of the “success story”
Igor Botan, August 6, 2011
The end of the spring-summer parliamentary session was an occasion to summarize the work of the Alliance for European Integration (AIE)[]
Presidential election: hazard versus consistency
Igor Botan, January 13, 2011
Agreement on the establishment and operation of the Alliance for European Integration (AIE), signed on December 30, 2010 announced “the legalization of the activity of stable governance that shall be valid for the duration of a full four-year term” by the signatory parties: Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova (PLDM), Democratic Party (PD) and the Liberal Party (PL)[]
Does the ace up Ghimpu’s sleeves beat the revenge card of Communists?
Igor Botan, January 17, 2010
The option of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) to boycott the presidential elections in order to retaliate at eventual early parliamentary elections in 2010 has transferred the political crisis from 2009 to 2010. In this respect, the political year 2010 will be marked by the 2009 events, and the PCRM is to blame definitively for perpetuation of political crisis[]
Political year 2009
Igor Botan, December 30, 2009
As a rule, tragic events reverberate with farces. In this light, developments experienced by Moldova had a reverse succession in 2009. The year began with a farce but ended with a tragic finding – former president Vladimir Voronin and adherents of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) he leads had their "hearts broken" at the end of the year[]
Denouement: normality vs. boycott and revenge
Igor Botan, December 3, 2009
The denouement will take place on December 7. The political race between power and opposition will turn into normality, shall the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) unlock the election of chief of state. Otherwise, the revenging confrontation will follow the boycott[]
Neither like Deng Xiaoping, nor like Charles de Gaulle — the battle goes on!
Igor Botan, November 9, 2009
The Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM) has held a mad campaign in the last two weeks to persuade supporters that there is no other way but to lock up the election of chief of state and provoke early parliamentary elections. The campaign culminated with the PCRM-held protest meeting against governing of the Alliance for European Integration (AIE)[]
Post-electoral flames
Igor Botan, August 31, 2009
The results of the July 29, 2009 early elections confirmed that the Moldovan electorate generally maintains its political preferences despite factors that give birth to social and political cleavages. In this regard, one may say that after the political crisis linked to the April 7 developments and blocked election of a chief of state the Moldovan electorate actually reiterated its electoral options from the April 5 elections[]
Political year 2008
Igor Botan, December 26, 2008
The political year 2008 was special. In fact, it crowned the eight-year rule of the Party of Communists of the Republic of Moldova (PCRM). Many events recorded in 2008 will have a long-term impact, others have just impressed. In this regard ten events are worth to be mentioned[]
Political year 2006
Igor Botan, December 30, 2006
The political year 2006 was difficult for Moldova. It began with the gas crisis and the gas price rose two-fold in the second half of 2006. It was followed by Russia’s embargo on wines, Moldova’s main products for export[]
Was the “national consensus” rescued?
Cristian Untila, July 29, 2005
A very strange thing could be outlined during latest debates within sittings of the Parliament, broadcasted live on television and radio — the representatives of the Our Moldova Alliance faction excel in criticism against actions and drafts of the Government[]
Presidential elections
Igor Botan, April 7, 2005
If he honors his promises, then “constructive” opposition wins enabling it to grab Moldova Noastra’s electorate (roughly estimated at 20%). Conversely, if Voronin doesn’t honor his promises a part of “constructive” opposition would slip into a mere “collaborationist opposition”, while the other would tacitly and humiliated join the “obstructionist” camp, with all the arising consequences[]
Chance of democratisation of the Republic of Moldova
Igor Botan, March 23, 2005
Existing situation offers an extraordinary chance both to the opposition and to the ruling party to avoid a deadlock that might have unfavourable consequences for Moldova. Even more, a solution could be found enabling the settlement of a string of strategic problems Moldova is facing by accepting the so-called “national consensus”[]
To friends — everything, to enemies — the law
Igor Botan, October 17, 2004
Relations between main political players have morphed into a full-fledged information war. With the elections coming, this information war is set to escalate[]
Fire on headquarters!
Igor Botan, March 28, 2004
Although oppositions’ efforts in establishing a single electoral coalition do not inspire much confidence, this did not stop ruling party from engaging in a large-scale campaign aimed at denigrating and breaking it apart[]
The power of reason
Igor Botan, February 8, 2004
Politics in Moldova goes hand in hand with scandals related to the exercise of the citizens’ fundamental rights. January 25’ authorities decline of Christian-Democrats application to authorise a protest rally that was submitted back on December 3, 2003 — has produced yet another scandal[]
Ratio of forces: power — opposition
Igor Botan, January 25, 2004
Although there is still one year left until the next parliamentary elections the major political parties have already engaged in talks on possible alliances as well as testing what messages would the electorate go for[]
The Discontent of the Victorious
June 24, 2003
More than two weeks have elapsed since the end of the local elections. However, it is still not possible to make a complex analysis of the results because the final, complete results have not been published yet[]
The territorial-administrative reform of the Republic of Moldova
Igor Botan, April 6, 2003
On 21 March the new Law on the Territorial-Administrative Organisation of the Republic of Moldova entered into force. To justify the proposed revision of the local public administration system, the Moldovan authorities have put forward two major arguments[]
What did Walter Schwimmer really said?
February 7, 2003
After the opposition engaged in a series of protest rallies, authorities launched a denigration campaign against them employing the entire range of mass media controlled by the state. This is a defense reaction of the ruling party, otherwise it would have to acknowledge that there is a serious political crisis in the country[]
A new political crisis
February 5, 2003
The political crisis is escalating in the Republic of Moldova. When identifying the parameters of this crisis we should consider how does it evolve, who are the stakeholders, what generated it, political context and its impact on the political evolution in the Republic of Moldova[]
Is opposition consolidating?!
January 28, 2003
After 2001 parliamentary elections, which brought the Communist Party to power, it became clear that the opposition would have a major role to play in the Moldovan politics only if it consolidates[]
Referendum on joining EU
December 23, 2002
Vladimir Voronin’s visit to Washington and his appeal to heads of EU states to support Republic of Moldova’s efforts to join EU are undoubtedly the most significant events of the 2002 political year[]
The impact of the Permanent Roundtable
September 9, 2002
Despite the too many skeptical opinions about the viability of the Permanent Round Table (PRT) it seems that its last session with the participation of the political parties of the Republic of Moldova had a wide-scale impact[]
Referendum on the modification of the electoral system
April 29, 2002
Political confrontation of the last three months between the Communist governing and Christian-Democrat opposition reached the stage when the Resolutions of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe could be enforced[]
The relationships between authorities and opposition after three months of protests
April 22, 2002
The events produced last week mark a new stage in the relationships between the power and opposition. After more than three months of opposition protest rallies on the one hand, and threats to the protesters on the other, the leaders of the majority and those of the protesting opposition, Iurie Rosca and constructive-conciliation opposition Dumitru Braghisr, decided to initiate a dialogue[]
Is a social pact possible in the Republic of Moldova?
March 27, 2002
In an interview offered to the Nezavisimaia Moldova governmental newspaper on March 15, President Vladimir Voronin pointed that the Republic of Moldova “lacks efficient democratic mechanisms, allowing a permanent dialog with the society”[]
Could a referendum settle a political crisis?
March 5, 2002
Political crisis in the Republic of Moldova has attained a new dimension this week. After protesters’ march to the Teleradio Moldova State Company, about 400 company employees declared a Japanese strike in protest to the censure established by the authorities at the National Radio and TV Stations[]
The political crisis in Moldova
February 26, 2002
On February 24, 2002 the deputies of the Christian-Democratic Peoples’ Party met in Chisinau with their voters. The rally was organized to review the results of the Communist’s one year governing. At the rally the leaders of the protestors read a list of authorities’ mistakes and failures, asked for their resignation and early parliamentary elections[]